Sunday, June 13, 2010

[News][Super Junior] Hankyung v. SME

On 13 June 2010, Korea SME sternly responded the case of Hangeng, which many people thinks that the lawsuit as came to an end. SME stated that: Contract of Hangeng has not yet been terminated, he’s still under SME. All the activities of Hangeng had to yet undergo SME’s permission and authorization.

The case of Hangeng’s contract termination had caused a big chaos in the entertainment industry. Ever since the commotion settled a bit, Hangeng’s whereabouts has always been secret. After making a quick appearance in America, there had been rumors saying that he is leaving the group and planning to establish a dancing studio with Jay Chou. Moreover, fans had been debating over Hangeng’s case, spreading the news of the unfair treatments provided by SME to Geng, as well as analyzing the future routes of Hangeng, stating that the fans will support him forever.

The response given out by SME today was very stern, stating that Hangeng isn’t freed yet. Undoubtedly, this will be like throwing a heavy bomb to the contract incident, pulling Hangeng, who has been facing lots of uncertainties, back to the whirlpool of chaos. However, Hangeng does not agree with his company, saying that “it’s usual to see K-pop entertainers terminating contract with their companies, if it’s for those who plan to work on his own, it’s really okay.


Stakeholders said that, under the current situation, Hangeng has been secretly working for his new album as well as the arrangements of his performance, and will have a new start in this July. Besides that, Hangeng will be entering the filming industry, and will be appearing on the silver screen soon.

From these, we can see why SME is that concern over Geng’s case, having two different opinions from each side, Hangeng decides to put away the lawsuit case behind, and putting all his effort into his own career. It seems that to exchange his freedom, Hangeng will need to walk the long and arduous journey in front of him.

credits to iFensi
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I didn't know it was common for artists to terminate contracts. From what I know of JYJ v. SME is that it is nigh-impossible because of the termination fee of like a gazillion won. I know it's been very hard on him, coming from China to work like a dog. I want the best for him, too, and it really seems that he had to leave SM and his Super Junior bros. IT BREAKS MY HEART...especially to see just one member leave and the rest moving on. MY BABIES~!I want so much to heal their pain huhu. Heechul even wrote a heartbreaking cyworld entry about it a while ago:
There is a friend of mine

Although his Korean is poor but his Chinese is very good
His singing is not so good but his dancing is excellent
I like cats while that friend likes dogs
I cant cook while that friend cooks very well
Although I curse everyday but that friend just laughs

Time has passed and I have never been nice to him ㅋㅋ

I’m really sorry..
That I have never been nice to him when he’s still beside meㅋㅋ

I’m not a sentimental person in particular
I just got drunk while watching the tears fall out ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It’s a very happy and precious thing when you have someone beside you
But me who is old and already grown-up still havent realized that

It’s late…I know it now..really..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

It seems that beautiful words dont exist for nothing^-^

I miss you.. it seems that i’m going to write these words at times like this(-┏)

Me who didnt even cry when filming the sad scene
is now shedding the very hot tears
source : 김희철 미니홈피
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